Ann Noël, ARABICS, 1993
Ann Noël, ARABICS, 1993

Ann Noël


(2 versions)

Photo copies with coloured toner inks

Installation: 300 × 210 cm

each unique copy-art work: 30 × 21 cm


Images from the book published by the Rainer Verlag, were enlarged and overprinted to make unique prints in 5 toner colours on 10 coloured papers and each one was overlaid by a sheet of self-adhesive matt film printed with black toner. They were joined together by “filmoplast” acid-free tape.
The second version, slightly smaller than the first, was made to fit a wall in the Studio Gallery of the Haus am Lützowplatz in Berlin for the exhibition "Der Reihe Nach" in 2004.
The first version was shown in Rochester, New York during the exhibition "Montage93: Copigraphic Connections" and then at the Galerie Montcalm in Hull, Quebec.
The installation was exhibited at the Maerz Galerie in Linz during the exhibition "Copy BOOK Art" in 1996.
Finally the work was exhibited at the Museum of Art in Akureyri, Iceland during the exhibition "Icons & Symbols" in 2022.