Ann Noël, a c r o b a t s, 1968
Ann Noël, a c r o b a t s, 1968

Ann Noël

a c r o b a t s, 1968

(Fourth version)

2-colour silkscreen print

53.3 × 37.8 cm


Designed by Ann Stevenson for Ian Hamilton Finlay.

The most famous of their collaborations, a silkscreen print in two colours, with glossy orange letters on a complimentary, matt blue background. This was printed at the Tarasque Press, accompanied by antext written by Stephen Bann.
Unsigned, unnumbered.
The print was shown in two exhibitions of Concrete Poetry curated by Bronac Ferran in Cambridge and Glasgow in 2016 and again at Ann Noël's exhibition at "FREEHOME - Artist to Artist" in 2019.